Saturday, August 5, 2017

12 Ways To Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached

Friends with benefits situations are great when you’re in a place where you don’t want a real relationship or get attached to the person but still, want to satisfy your sexual needs. This is a tricky situation, but when done properly, can also be amazing. There’s definitely a wrong way to handle this. But there’s a right way, too.

If you don’t want to ruin a good thing, here’s how to enjoy your friends with benefits relationship without being attached. Happy no strings attached!

1.Don’t keep your ‘friends with benefits relationship’ for long
Well, everything should have an expiration date, not just your food. The more time you spend with the person the higher the chances are of developing feelings or you’re going to edge toward the relationship territory. So it’s better if you just keep moving.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
2.Keep your conversation casual
Just don’t have a deep conversation with your FWB, talk about casual matters or things related to the casual sex. After hooking up, leave. Call an actual friend if you need company or want to share something.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
3.Don’t think of sleeping over
Believe me, it’ll just make things awkward between you two. Cuddling or laughing or touching hands, it’s what you do in a relationship after making out. Leave the place or ask your FWB to leave because all that other stuff is going to start making you get attached.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
4.Choose your FWB partner carefully
The perfect FWB is someone who’s got a few flaws that would make him a terrible relationship material. And that’ll keep you from falling head over heels for him since you know it’d be bad news for both of you.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
5.Don’t give each other silly nicknames
That’s not for you to do; people who are in a real relationship do that so just skip that part. Stick to calling each other by your first names, and if you catch yourself moving to that part, get out while it’s still time before things get serious.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
6.Don’t introduce them to your family or friends
Your relation should be between you two and not a third person. So if you’re planning to introduce them to your friends or family, drop that idea.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
7.Don’t develop feelings
If you start developing feelings because you just can’t control them you have to stop and you have to end the friends with benefits relationship. It’s best to move on because you made your relationship clear from the start and especially when the other doesn’t feel the same.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
8.Don’t spend all your time with your FWB
Make time for your hobbies and other activities you love, Pursue your career. Have a social life. You’re only together for sex, so make sure your life away from him is as it was before.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
9.Maybe make an agreement in writing
Unlike verbal agreements, a written binding agreement can’t be easily dismissed or forgotten. It will be a reminder for both of you from time to time that you’re only there for hook up.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
10.Do what you’re together for and leave!
You can text or call each other as long as it’s limited to sexting or maybe making plans for your next hookup. Anything more romantic than that is off limits and you should totally avoid it.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
11.Never let him be the only woman/man in your life
You are obviously free to see other people; you’re not bound to be with your FWB. This will also reduce the chances of developing feelings for them.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached
12.Don’t stalk them
You both are friends with benefits and they’re not bound in a relationship with you. He isn’t your boyfriend. He has his own life outside sex with you, so let the man do his thing.
Enjoy Your Friends With Benefits Relationship Without Getting Attached

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