Thursday, August 3, 2017

These Are The Things That Men Find Unattractive In A Woman. Watch Out For #11!

Both men and your average woman put up with a lot of shit from each other. But what are the things that a guy finds unattractive in a woman? Let’s find out.

Putting On Way Too Much Make-Up. 
men woman unattractive
Yes. we’re aware that ladies don’t put on make-up to please men. They do it to please themselves but sometimes that shit goes way too far. And trust me, that really puts men off. (Like you’d care!)  But remember ladies! Less is always more.
2. Over Confidence. Yes, That’s Unattractive Too! 
men woman unattractiveYes, you should be proud of what you have achieved and who you are but there’s a fine line between being confident and being a boastful and annoying person.
3. Inability To Lead The Conversation. 
men woman unattractive
Now, this is rare but many men have complained online about their boring dates who had no interest in leading the conversation. One miffed guy says “I try to ask questions and am met with three-word responses. ‘It’s alright’, ‘Yeah, it’s a job’ etc.
4. Poor Personal Hygiene. 
men woman unattractive
Now this obviously applies to both men and their respective woman. Bad personal hygiene is unattractive no matter what your gender is.
5. When A Woman Cribs And Continuously Bad Mouths Her Ex. 
men woman unattractive
Your intentions might be good. You are probably showing your man that you’re completely over your ex but trust us on this when we tell you that men find it unattractive af! It’s mainly because you come off as spiteful and juvenile and it also sends off signals about your suppressed feelings for your ex.
6. Not Being Needy. But Being Way Too Needy. 
men woman unattractive
Yes it’s true that men do need the feeling of being wanted but it’s also true that it’s very annoying to have a clingy person. Go figure ladies!
8. Those Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yet Annoying Traits. 
men woman unattractive
This sure goes both ways but those small wacky traits of yours like that cackle of a laugh or your unwanted childishness really gets in the way sometimes.
9. Way Too Turned Up. 
men woman unattractive
That one chick who gets hammered and starts shrieking and cussing at people louder than the club’s speakers. Nasty! Especially the one who screams in your ear.
10. The Know It All Trait. Nobody Can Correct Her. Nobody Knows More Than Her. 
men woman unattractive
Please! For the love of God just stop!
11. The Woman Who Thinks She’s Invincible No Matter What. 
men woman unattractive
And not the good kind. This is the kind of woman who’ll break stuff in your house just because she couldn’t have her way. This is the most unattractive trait in a woman.
12. Excessively Giggling Coupled With Touching And Hitting. 
men woman unattractive
Seriously stop it!

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